
totspCode is the overarching project for a set of code and tools and power various web facing applications. The main sub projects are "totspCode_php" and "totspCode_java" (and each of these is intended to have its own sub components and be modular in nature).
This software is for example what is used to power the "multi-blog" screaming


Simple project that is configured with a single php config file. Reskinnable with changes to a single css file. Powers a website that has features including user registration and permissions, user "story" or article posting and editing, categorization for story content, "threads" or comments to the stories, user customized RSS "source" aggregation, dynamic content sections and related administrative functions (admin for user, categories, stories, banners, sections of the site, etc, all from within the web application).

You can obtain the code via the SourceForge totspCode project page. (File Releases totspCode_php.*)

Included with the code is an INSTALL document that details the setup. Straightforward PHP and MySQL app.

If you have comments or suggestions or would like to contribute please contact the developers through the TotSP contact tool.
(Or optionally the SourceForge forum facilities.)


The "new penguin" code will be a very ambitious set of modular Java applications packaged in a concise manner so as to also be capable of hosting a "multi-blog" type site (such as The Java version will however have a great deal of enhanced functionality and will have modular components such that individual components may be beneficial (downloaded, used) in different situations rather than running the entire package. MORE INFO SOON

You can obtain the code via the SourceForge totspCode project page. (File Releases totspCode_java.* - FILES NOT YET RELEASED for the Java version, CVS is populated but things are not yet polished to the point of a release.)

If you have comments or suggestions or would like to contribute please contact the developers through the TotSP contact tool.
(Or optionally the SourceForge forum facilities.)